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This is english version!

Freeze dried meals

Good Mood Meals provides complete nutrition for anyone who is on the move, at rest, or who doesn't consider cooking a priority.

The packaging of Good Mood Meals is compact and light, and it allows you to conveniently take the food with you for lunch at work, during active recreation or on a business trip, when you seek the feeling of home and a delicious meal!

Our freeze dried meals are very simple to prepare - just add hot water to the package.

The package has no specific storage conditions and has a long shelf life.



Intensive work

Food when hiking or trekking not only gives you the energy to be active but can also keep you in a good mood and help you cope with more difficult situations, such as prolonged bad weather. What we expect from freeze-dried food rations, which we prepare to eat in high altitude camps, on trekking trips, or while relaxing in nature, is light, safe, and convenient packaging, quick and handy preparation, and, of course, tasty food that allows us to enjoy a variety of flavors and not get bored even if we have to eat such food every day for weeks. Good Mood Meals freeze-dried food has it all!”

Mountainner Kristine Liepina